From Krakow to Eger, via Slovakia

Today we leave Poland. I have to say I have fallen for this country which has delighted and inspired me in so many ways. From the gorgeous lake district in the north to it's big cities; from it's complex history to its proud desire for a better future - it has captivated me more than I imagined it would. And we haven't quite got to the mountainous region yet - that's on today's itinerary. Our wonderful guide Fil is partly to thank for this penchant for the place; although he's from Latvia, he has lived in Krakow for many years (his wife is Polish) and I've learnt so much from him. We all have. Dziekuje, Fil (thank you, in Polish - pronounced "jekoya"). We each take a bulging picnic lunch bag from the hotel (two large filled baguettes, plus much more besides!) and set off on our way to Eger in Hungary, via Slovakia. Outside the city confines of Krakow, there are rolling green hills and pretty villages. It's not unlike New Zealand ...