Singapore Flyers

We meet at the airport Wednesday morning 17th and fly to Singapore. Auckland airport is so quiet and the plane has many spare seats so there is room to spread out a bit which is both rare and very nice. Going through security is swift and seamless for most of the group but for Sheila and I it’s a different story - the place is chaos with people and bags everywhere, every second bag being thoroughly checked and not enough staff to cope. My tray is faulty and causes more chaos. Sheila has a 3/4 full 118ml bottle of lotion - it’s confiscated. Damn. Every so often a traveller must endure this in the name of safe travel - but please get us outta here. Poor Sheila has already had enough drama for one day - she had missed her connection from Tauranga due to a timing mixup but luckily she was able to hop on the next flight and still be in time. Phew.

Things are much calmer at the gate and on board the plane. The meals are tasty, the service is friendly, efficient and regular. It’s been a long time since I flew Singapore Airlines and based on my [economy class] experience I’d certainly recommend them. Others in the group travelled Premium Economy and Business and all is good there too.

I watch the movie Green Book and John Cranko’s Romeo & Juliet - a movie of the ballet by the Stuttgart Ballet co. It was very stylish. The music is great and the story of love and death and life and death always gets me especially when it’s told through beautiful dancing like that. Am getting myself in ballet mode for Swan Lake in St Petersburg! 😊

This is a day flight and we fly right over the heart of Australia. At one point we have a fabulous view of Uluru and the large chalky salt lakes nearby. From this high up it looks nothing like it does from ground level - an intriguing perspective.

A short sleep, a bit of music, a few trivia games and puzzles as acres of dry red land below turns to sea turns to clouds, then sunset and twinkling lights, and then it’s time to land as the full moon looms into the night sky.

And OMG do we land - we slew violently all over the runway annd I fear we might actually tip right over or end up in the terminal! It takes the whole runway for the pilot to tame his craft. Shirley and I agree he may still have his L plates! We head out into the steamy Singapore night air, meet our friendly guide Patrick and are soon at our hotel - the Grand Copthorne Waterfront - and settled in our rooms after a long day that has gone mostly smoothly. Time for sleep - after I’ve done some admin!

OBSERVATION OF THE DAY: Not only was Auckland airport noticeably quieter than I’ve seen it in ages (check in was a cinch), so was Singapore airport which was strangely deserted. Passport control - no one there but us. Baggage collection - empty (where were the people who’d been our plane?) Customs - walk right on through. Where was everyone? We weren’t complaining! Departure and arrival anywhere is rarely that simple or streamlined so it was a case of “enjoy it while you can”.


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